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Strategie Informative di Rete per l'Inclusione e l'Orientamento ai servizi

  • Project category Progetti finanziati da altri Ministeri
  • Lenght from 14.10.2021 to 30.09.2022
  • Lab/Research Area Dirpolis Institute
  • Costo complessivo €184 489
  • Quota partner €90 757
  • Scientific Directors Francesca Biondi
  • SSSA involvement Partner

The SIRIO MIGRANTI [PROG-3769] project is co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020 - OS2. Integration / Legal migration - OS3. Capacity building - Prefectures Circular 2021 - III Desk.

The project aims to improve the migration governance of reception and integration in the territory of Massa Carrara through a participatory process of construction and dissemination of strategies, practices and knowledge. 

The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna will organise and implement two advanced training courses, divided into several modules, the first of which will be addressed to teachers and/or school leaders identified in collaboration with the Territorial School Office of Lucca and Massa Carrara and the second to employees of public administrations and/or operators of reception facilities. The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna will also activate a workshop with around ten associations of the private social sector, devoting particular attention to the activity of co-planning and co-programming of interventions between public bodies and the third sector. The workshop provides a useful in-depth knowledge of the typology and functions of the existing services and of the main information needs of the immigrant population in the area on which to subsequently build concrete collaborative network interventions.

In addition, in order to increase the knowledge and information of teachers on possible actions to combat school dropouts of foreign minors, the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna will carry out research on the legal status of foreign minors and the fight against educational poverty. In particular, the research will be carried out in the territory of the Province of Massa Carrara and will focus on the legal status of foreign minors, their integration in Italy and the problem of school dropout and abandonment, identifying possible strategies to combat it.