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  • Call notice date 10.03.2023
  • Deadline for application submission 26.04.2023

The Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies by Rectoral Decree no. 175  dated March, 10,  2023, whose notice has been published on Gazzetta Ufficiale - Serie Concorsi ed Esami no. 24 dated March, 28, 2023 has opened one public selection for the recruitment of two assistant professors(ricercatore a tempo determinato) with  temporary contracts pursuant to Italian Law no. 240/2010, art. 24 paragraph 3 letter Aat the Academic Faculty  of Experimental and Applied Sciences:

BioRobotics Institute

One full time position in the Academic recruitment field 09/G2 Bioengineering - Academic discipline ING-IND/34 Industrial Bioengineering.

Center of Plant Sciences

One part time position in the Academic recruitment field 07/B1 Agronomy and Field, Vegetable, Ornamental Cropping - Academic discipline AGR/02 Agronomy and Field Crops.

Deadline: by April, 26, 2023, at  23.59,  (Italian Time: GMT +2)

Candidates are requested to apply here:   from March, 14, 2023

(For technical support for the application please contact CINECA support via the link you find at the bottom of the page

The date ot the pubblic interviewes are:

  • May, 12, 2023 for the Academic recruitment field 09/G2 Bioengineering
  •  May, 24, 2023 for Academic recruitment field 07/B1 Agronomy and Field, Vegetable, Ornamental Cropping

The list of admitted candidates will be published in this page on May, 5, 2023.

NOTICE OF MAY, 5, 2023: All candidates have been admitted to the interview with the Committee. The place and the time of the pubblic interviewes will be published in this page on May, 9,2023.

NOTICE OF MAY, 9, 2023: 

Academic recruitment field 09/G2 Bioengineering - Academic discipline ING-IND/34 Industrial Bioengineering: The interview will be on May,12, 2023  from 12 p.m. in the Meeting Room at the second floor of the Buildining of the School in Via Santa Cecilia, 3 - Pisa.

Academic recruitment field 007/B1 Agronomy and Field, Vegetable, Ornamental Cropping - Academic discipline AGR/02 Agronomy and Field Crops: The interview will be on May,24, 2023 from 9 a.m. in the Meeting Room at the second floor of the Buildining of the School in Via Santa Cecilia, 3 - Pisa.

The admitted candidates will not receive any personal comunication.


Academic recruitment field 09/G2 Bioengineering - Academic discipline ING-IND/34 Industrial BioengineeringBy Rectoral Decree no. 289 dated May, 05, 2023 has been appointed the committee.

Academic recruitment field 07/B1 Agronomy and Field, Vegetable, Ornamental Cropping - Academic discipline AGR/02 Agronomy and Field CropsBy Rectoral Decree no. 290 dated May, 05, 2023 has been appointed the committee. 

First meetings

Academic recruitment field 07/B1 Agronomy and Field, Vegetable, Ornamental Cropping - Academic discipline AGR/02 Agronomy and Field Crops: the committee has held the first meeting on May, 09, 2023.

Academic recruitment field 09/G2 Bioengineering - Academic discipline ING-IND/34 Industrial Bioengineering: the committee has held the first meeting on May, 10, 2023.


Academic recruitment field 09/G2 Bioengineering - Academic discipline ING-IND/34 Industrial Bioengineeringby Rectoral Decree no. 342 dated May, 23, 2023 Dr Linda Paternò has been declared winner.

Academic recruitment field 07/B1 Agronomy and Field, Vegetable, Ornamental Cropping - Academic discipline AGR/02 Agronomy and Field Cropsby Rectoral Decree no. 353 dated May, 26, 2023 Dr Sara Burbi has been declared winner.

For more information, please call +39 050 883.575/258 or write to