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Cooperation between Italy and Niger: in Niamey the advanced training course dedicated to alternative measures to detention, funded by the Farnesina and coordinated by the Sant'Anna School, in partnership with the local Ministry of Justice

Andrea de Guttry, full professor of International Law: “Through cooperation and strengthening of judicial institutions, it is possible to promote the rule of law in a key area for the stability of the African continent and Europe"

Publication date: 06.06.2024
Niamey (Wikipedia)
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Thanks to the contribution of the Sant'Anna School of Pisa, the cooperation between Italy and Niger is being intensified with the new advanced training course on alternative measures to detention. The new advanced training course, under the scientific coordination of Andrea de Guttry, full professor of International Law at Sant'Anna School, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in partnership with the Niger Ministry of Justice and the Niger School of Judicial Training, has just concluded in Niamey.

The advanced training course aims to consolidate and deepen the knowledge of local magistrates related to the topic of punishment and the role of the judge when faced with decisions to impose and enforce punishment, with particular reference to central issues in the practice of alternative measures to detention. The project involved Italian and local lecturers with relevant expertise, both theoretical and practical. Notable among the lecturers were Federico Belli, judge of the Court of Asti; Teresa Travaglia Cicirello, lecturer at the University of Messina.

The organization of this new advanced training course for the benefit of Niger judicial actors is part of the project “Strengthening the judicial systems of African countries through training (2023-24),” in which the Sant'Anna School has been engaged for several years in training and assistance activities in the Sahel region. For the achievement of this activity, the support guaranteed by the Farnesina and the Italian Embassy in Niamey has always proved decisive.

The strategic importance of this advanced training course is evidenced by the intervention of the head of mission of the Embassy of Italy in Niger, Roberto Orlando, who honored the closing ceremony of the course with his participation. 

“The Sant'Anna School is proud,” comments Andrea de Guttry, as director of the advanced training course, “to contribute to this important technical assistance project, which aims to strengthen the skills of those working in the judiciary. We are persuaded that through cooperation and strengthening of judicial institutions it is possible to promote the rule of law in a key area for the stability of the African continent and Europe".

Cover photo: Niamey (fonte: Wikipedia).