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Environmental sustainability in olive growing: the ‘Manifesto for sustainable olive production’, drawn up by Planet O-live Academy with the scientific support of the Sant'Anna School, was presented at the national headquarters of Confagricoltura in Rome

Luca Sebastiani, Full Professor at the Institute of Plant Production, participated in the drafting of the ‘Manifesto’, a concrete proposal for all agricultural entrepreneurs who believe in sustainable development from an environmental, social, and economic point of view
Publication date: 16.09.2024
Luca Sebastiani e la presentazione del manifesto
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The ‘Manifesto for Sustainable Olive Oil Production - Volume 1’ was presented in Rome at Palazzo della Valle, the headquarters of Confagricoltura: Sustainability as a competitive lever of productivity and high quality' elaborated by the PlanetOlive Academy, the scientific committee promoted by Costa d'Oro, in cooperation with the academic world and olive-growing associations in Italy, to cooperate with the agricultural realities selected by the national Confagricoltura and the Umbrian association Assoprol, to put into practice and share the best practices of environmental, economic and social sustainability to give value to the entire supply chain, favour the circularity of the production cycle and the continuous improvement of product quality.

The presentation of the ‘Manifesto’ is the result of an initiative supported by Costa d'Oro S.p.A. in collaboration with Confagricoltura, Assoprol and Sustenia and the scientific support of theIstituto di Produzioni Vegetali della Sant'Anna School and the Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali of theUniversity of Perugia. Presenting the agronomic aspects of the ‘Manifesto’ for the Institute of Plant Production of the Sant'Anna School was Luca Sebastiani, Full Professor in General Arboriculture and Arboreal Cultivation, who emphasised that it is a concrete initiative for an agriculture that respects the planet, which intends to combine high product quality with attention to sustainability practices, aimed at working as a system, to learn from each other, to face the challenges of the oil sector through an innovative and sustainable approach.

The ‘Manifesto’ is addressed to all agricultural entrepreneurs who believe in environmentally, socially and economically sustainable development and who intend to follow the Planet O-live Academy's guidelines, based on current scientific knowledge.

In the cover photo a moment of the presentation: from the left Pascal Pinson CEO of Costa d'Oro S.p.A.; Tiziana Sarnari expert in the olive oil sector of ISMEA; Luca Sebastiani Full Professor of the Institute of Plant Production of the Sant’Anna School and Maurizio Servili Full Professor of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences of the University of Perugia. 

The link to the ‘Manifesto ’: Manifesto of sustainable olive production - Planet O-live ( -