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PONGREEN21 MICROWAVE - Microwave photonics systems to support the "green" transition

  • Project category Progetti finanziati dal MIUR
  • Lenght from 14.01.2022 to 13.05.2023
  • Lab/Research Area TeCIP of Institute Communication InReTe Laboratory
  • Expected funding €91 580
  • Costo complessivo €151 191
  • Scientific Directors Antonella Bogoni
  • SSSA involvement Coordinatore
  • Sponsor Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca - MIUR

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The project involves the activation of a research contract, pursuant to Law 240/2010 art. 24 paragraph 3, on the theme “green transition”. 

The researcher will deal with "microwave photonics", a technology that consists in the use of photonics applied to radio frequency (RF) systems for monitoring and connectivity. The researcher will have to demonstrate the ability to carry out pioneering activities related to the use of "microwave photonics” systems in new areas such as environmental and traffic monitoring, automotive and meteorology, with the main objective of contributing to the conservation of natural resources, the increase in food production, the reduction of energy consumption, as well as the reduction of impacts of climate change, in accordance with the areas of research and innovation and the related areas of intervention defined in the PNR: "Health", "Climate, energy, sustainable mobility" and "Food products, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, environment" . 

The project will allow the consolidation of the "microwave photonics" activities of the School which was a pioneer at an international level in proposing the initial photonic solutions for RF subsystems in particular in the Security and 5G sectors. 

The project is financed by MUR with D.M. n. 1062 of 10 August 2021 relating to PON "Research and Innovation" Actions 2014-2020 aimed at supporting research contracts in this case on "green" issues, on topics oriented towards the green transition, ecosystem conservation, biodiversity, as well as the reduction of the impacts of climate change and the project's capacity to promote green recovery and overcoming the effects of the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.