Rethinking Competition Enforcement for Sustainable Data-driven Ecosystems Open new browser tab Fazio, Emanuele (2024)
Human Rights Restrictions Prompted by the COVID-19 Pandemic: Uncertainties and Differences in the Practice of ECHR Parties Open new browser tab Suyunova, Kumush (2024)
Mind the Gap: Assessing Member States’ Implementation of Farm to Farm-to-Fork Targets within the 2023–2027 Common Agricultural Policy Open new browser tab Mezzacapo, Enrico (2024)
Neuromarketing and Eye-Tracking Technologies Under the European Framework: Towards the GDPR and Beyond Open new browser tab Sposini, L. (2024)
The Governance of Algorithms: Profiling and Personalisation of Online Content in the Context of European Consumer Law Open new browser tab Sposini, Ludovica (2024)
Il contrasto alla dispersione scolastica come dovere costituzionale per la comunità Open new browser tab Frega, S. (2024)
Improving access to and reuse of research results, publications and data for scientific purposes – Study to evaluate the effects of the EU copyright framework on research and the effects of potential interventions and to identify and present relevant provisions for research in EU data and digital legislation, with a focus on rights and obligations (Publications Office of the European Union) Open new browser tab Commission and Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European; Senftleben, M.; Szkalej, K.; Doris, B.; Van Eechoud, M.; Irion, K.; Buri, I.; Frigeri, M.; Karabuga, E.; King, L.; Margoni, T.; Schirru, L.; Stahler, L.; Sganga, C.; Turan, P.; Contardi, M.; Signoretta, C.; Edwards, E.; Stanciauskas, V.; Kazlauskaite, D.; Delkute-Morgan, R.; Siaulytyle, G.; Kublashvili, A.; Voronecki, T. (2024)
Technologies for the Automation of Anatomic Pathology Processes: A Review Open new browser tab Ciancia, Sabrina; Vannozzi, Lorenzo; Poliziani, Aliria; Guachi-Guachi, Lorena; Amram, Denise; Lunni, Dario; Zucca, Alessandra; Bellini, Marco; Spagnoli, Luigi; Pedrazzini, Gian Andrea; Cavazzana, Andrea; Ricotti, Leonardo (2024)
Denise Amram - Nicoletta Patti. 2024. Recent Policy Initiatives and Safeguards for Children as Online Users. 1, 1 (May 2024), 4, 17 June 2024 Open new browser tab Amram, D.; Patti, N. (2024)
Il conflitto tra regione e Stato sulla situazione dei minori stranieri non accompagnati nelle Isole Canarie Open new browser tab TALAVERA LODOS, Silvia (2024)