The Tangled Complexity of the EU Constitutional Process. The Frustrating Knot of Europe, 2nd edition Open new browser tab Martinico, Giuseppe (2022)
The Law of Off-label Uses of Medicines: Regulation and Litigation in the EU, UK and USA Open new browser tab Parziale, A. (2022)
Introduzione: Da Bono Vox al «Sahelistan»: la faglia saheliana e le figure dell’eccezione nella geografia politica africana. Prospettive teoriche e metodologiche Open new browser tab Raineri, Luca; Baldaro, Edoardo (2022)
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Working from home and the explosion of enduring divides: income, employment and safety risks Open new browser tab Cetrulo, A.; Guarascio, D.; Virgillito, M. E. (2022)