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THE NEW DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 22/06/2021 (DR N. 352 15/06/2021)

  • Area tematica Diritto, welfare & public management
  • Scadenza iscrizione 22.06.2021
  • Periodo di svolgimento -
  • Crediti CFU 2
  • Ore formazione 40
  • Numero massimo di partecipanti 30
  • Quota iscrizione € 322,50

The Summer School is part of a three-year project that was awarded in the framework of the Call for proposals 2018 – EAC/A05/2017 under the Jean Monnet Activities of the Erasmus+ Programme – Jean Monnet “Centre of Excellence on the Regulation of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence”.

The Course will provide participants with an advanced understanding of the European framework of robotics and AI technologies. Advanced robotics and AI represent a novel kinds of applications that need to be fitted within a pre-existing framework of legal standards, and socio-ethical beliefs and principles. In particular, they need to comply with existing regulation, be respectful of – and promote – existing rights as recognized by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFR), abide a responsible research and innovation approach and take into account existing – social – needs and desires.

It is therefore essential, both for engineers designing such applications and for lawyers and philosophers seeking to acquire relevant professional skills, to be able to counsel roboticists and robotic enterprises, and to acquire an exact understanding of all the different profiles and of interdisciplinary interactions.

The Summer School aims at providing international students, policy makers, and professionals from different backgrounds with the knowledge and interdisciplinary skills necessary to understand the different issues posed by the development and diffusion of robotics in EU, namely to: design robots/counsel enterprises, ensuring compliance with applicable regulation, technical-ethical standards, social acceptability and respect of the CFR, develop risk-management strategies and entrepreneurship models, as well as define new EU policies on these matters.

The Summer School is structured into lectures and case-studies, and will make use of an extremely interdisciplinary approach granted by the diverse competences of the key staff members.

The classes will address the following topics:

• The technical and the legal definition of robots and AI

• The taxonomy of existing robotic devices

• Criminal and liability rules, insurance and risk-management strategies in light of existing and emerging EU law

• IP Law

• Data protection

• Design and social perception of robots

• Ethical assessment of technological innovation

• Responsible research and innovation

• Bioethics and robo-ethics

• Business modelling and innovation in high-tech markets

• Technological impact on the labor market and economic growth

A detailed program is available at the following link:

The final take-home examination will require students to answer a series of questions. The exam has to be

emailed by Friday the 9th of July 2021, 11.59 pm (GTM), to

One full waiver will be made available to the student that qualifies first in the admission selection on grounds of merit. Other full waivers might be made available pursuant to a discretionary assessment of the Selection Committee, in case existing financial resources are deemed sufficient.