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Chiara Loschi is currently postdoctoral fellow in the Italian PRIN project “SHUT-MED, "Securitizing Human Transit across the Central Mediterranean migratory corridor: shifting mobility governance discourses and practices in Italy, Malta, Libya, and Niger“, at the DIRPOLIS Institute, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa.

From 2020 to 2023 she has been postdoctoral fellow for the ERC project “Processing Citizenship. Digital registration of migrants as co-production of citizens, territory and Europe”, Grant 714463 at the Department of Philosophy and Communication, University of Bologna, PI prof. Annalisa Pelizza. Prior to that, she was postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna, Institut Für Politikwissenschaft, in the frame of an FWF-funded project led by Dr. Peter Slominski, “The EU Border Protection Regime: The Cooperation between EU Agencies and its Consequences for Fundamental Rights”, from 2018 to 2020.
Between 2017 and 2018, she was CNRS postdoc researcher EU HORIZON2020 project, “EUNPACK. Good intention mixed results” (grant N. 693337), on EU crisis response in Libya. 
She holds a PhD in political science and international relations, and her thesis is titled "Sweeping Too Much Dirt under a Small Carpet. How Local Rubbish Collection Reforms Uncover the Destabilizing Force of Authoritarian Persistence in Tunisia" on local governance, democratization and decentralization policies as instrumentalized in authoritarian regimes. She holds an MA in Cultural anthropology with a thesis focusing on the deconstruction of social and cultural dimensions of white settlers' memory during colonial occupation in Libya and the dynamics of former settlers’ mobilizations in modern Italy, at the University of Turin, for an interdisciplinary program encompassing sociology and sociological main theories (micro/macro), cultural and social anthropology and ethnography. She was based in Tunisia for several years between 2013 and 2018, and she conducted fieldwork in Tripoli and west Libya in 2010.
In the past she received training from Italian and Portuguese National Youth Agencies (Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani and the Agência Nacional para a gestão do programa Juventude em Acção), in the frame of EU Commission programs “Youth in action” (2007/2013), currently charged with Erasmus+ programs, and subsequently worked as project assistant in several NGOs projects in Turin, Italy, involving fieldwork in Louga, Senegal, on the topics of migration, citizen journalism (Jeunes reporteurs et migrants) second generations' organizations and mobilization in Italy.

Editorial boards
2023 - pres    Editorial board member Tecnoscienza. Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies. ISSN 2038-3460. Italian academic system: scientific journal (S) for area 14 (rank A for 14C1, C2, D1)
2021 - pres    Editorial board member Année du Maghreb, CNRS Éditions, ISSN 2109-9405. Italian academic system: scientific journal (S) for area 14. 
2011 - 2012    Editorial board member Historia Magistra. Rivista di storia critica. ISSN: 2036-4040. Franco Angeli, Italy. Italian academic system: scientific Journal (S) for area 14.

Journal reviewer
Geopolitics; Mediterranean Politics; European Union Politics; Journal of Borderland Studies; Mondes en Développement; Revue Gouvernance-Governance Review; International Political Sociology; Interdisciplinary Political Studies; International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies; Comparative European Politics; PArtecipazione e COnflitto (PACO).

RESEARCH IMPACT METRICS (as of 10th July 2024)


Indexed Publications


H Index

Scopus     57193254508





Google scholar: Profile





Web of Science ITW-1173-2023





Her research lies at the intersection of political science and sociology, science and technology studies, EU studies, with an ethnographic approach to capture material and operational procedures and practices, and with a focus on governance by and of data infrastructures, and how they impact national and supranational institutions.



Postdoctoral fellow (“assegnista di ricerca”) University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy and Communication. Bologna, Italy. Sep 2020/Dec 2023. (Identification in the Italian academic scientific sector: SPS/08). Project: ERC “Processing Citizenship. Digital registration of migrants as co-production of citizens, territory and Europe”, ERC Grant 714463. PI: prof. Annalisa Pelizza. EU total contribution € 1 498 613,75. Main responsibilities: Leading Work Package 4 “Mapping architectures of data circulation in EU migration information systems”. Participant in other WPs. Analysis of European legislation with reference to border, migration and asylum domains; analysis of the EU regulations on data infrastructures; triangulation with analysis of practices and circulation of personal and biometric data amongst European member states, with focus on the role of national authorities and international organizations. Analysis of categories and data models adopted, analysis of epistemologies enacted, and how these can impact on the interoperability between systems. Collaboration with PI in planning and writing three scientific articles that answer the following research sub-questions: “How are relationships between EU institutions and member states enacted through efforts to achieve interoperability?”; “How are relationships between member states and international organizations and non-governmental organizations enacted through effort to achieve interoperability?”, “How data circulation contribute to enact relationships between national authorities and non-state actors?”. Conceptual planning and organization of three conferences (2021; 2022; final conference in June 2023). Collaboration in the management of the research team composed of two PhD students and another postdoc researcher (Research Fellow), coming from the University of Twente (Holland), University of Vienna, Austria, University of Bologna. Disciplinary areas in the ERC system: sociology and study of multi-level governance, political science and science of administration and organization, studies of science and technology, anthropology of international organizations. Main methodologies and theoretical frameworks: qualitative research methods and computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) (Atlas.ti). Grounded theory methods. Scholarships: Science and Technology Studies, infrastructural Europeanism, organization studies and European integration scholarship. Ethnography of information systems and digital artifacts; analysis of data infrastructures to investigate impacts on governance, and governance styles enabled by data infrastructures through the use by national authorities (Ministry of interior offices) and non-state, intergovernmental organizations in border and asylum domains. Analysis of mediating role of international organizations through their data infrastructure on health data collection and sharing leading to data production, harmonising administrative standardisation and building continuity in time in asylum domain.


Research Associate, Réseau Scientifique International – Coloniality, confinement and order. Colonial and post-colonial forms of internment in and around the Mediterranean, since 2019. Project: “Coloniality, confinement and order. Colonial and post-colonial forms of internment in and around the Mediterranean”. PI Dr. Francesco Correale, University of Tours, France. Contribution by Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Val de Loire (MSH VdL): 7000€. Main responsibilities: Scientific committee for the conference in 2019 for "Colonialidad, reclusión y orden. Formas coloniales y postcoloniales de internamiento en el Mediterráneo y aledaños", Barcelona, Spain. Research Associate Université de Tours, France, CNRS UMR 7324 CITERES Cités, TERritoires, Environnement et Sociétés, Équipe Monde arabe et Méditerranée (EMAM): Methodologies and theoretical frameworks: Multidisciplinary research network encompassing cultural anthropologists; sociologists of cultures and migration; geographers; historians and historians of institutions.


Postdoctoral fellow, Scientific project assistant (“wissenschaftliche Projektmitarbeiterin”) University of Vienna / Institute for European Integration Research, Vienna, Austria. Oct 2018 / Aug 2020 Project: “EU Border Management Interagency relations and their impact on fundamental rights”, Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Grant P30703-G29. PI Mag. Dr. Peter Slominski. FWF total contribution €165.797,50. Main responsibilities: Elaboration of three research questions and correlated research designs in the frame of the project led by Dr. Slominski (case studies: Hotspot approach in Italy; Consultative forum of Frontex; fundamental rights protection in operative provisions in Return Directive). Correlation with main theoretical debates in European integration processes within Area of Freedom Security and Justice and fundamental rights protection. Focus on European Agencies deployed at the border since 2015 (Frontex; EUAA (then EASO), Fundamental Rights Agency; Europol). Methodologies and theoretical frameworks: qualitative social sciences research methods: semi-structured interviews and process tracing; fieldwork in Italy and Brussels. Theoretical contribution to European integration scholarship, legal perspectives on supranationalization dynamics in Area of Freedom Security and Justice with a focus on the executive dimension; multi-level governance by soft law instruments in migration and border domains; analyses based upon elaboration of “experimentalist governance” theoretical understanding of governance within the EU (beyond principal-agent governance model from the administrative and organization studies) and process of “agencification” in European migration, border and asylum domains; correlated analysis of enlargement of discretionary powers of law enforcement and home affairs agencies (Frontex; EUAA (then EASO), EU-Lisa); organization studies and on accountability dynamics in intergovernmental governance.


Postdoctoral fellow, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) France, based at Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain, IRMC Tunis, Tunisia. May 2017/Sep 2018. Project: Horizon2020 “EUNPACK Good intentions, mixed results – A conflict sensitive unpacking of the EU comprehensive approach to conflict and crisis mechanisms”, Grant N. 693337. Leading organization: Norwegian Institute for Foreign Affairs NUPI. EU total contribution: € 2 495 674,00 Main responsibilities: Research direction and direction of budget for local partner Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain IRMC/CNRS for the case study "EU crisis response in Libya, local perceptions". Survey administration and analysis; elaboration of results in international conferences, peer-review international journals and media interviews. Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain/CNRS was a local partner of the work package 6 on EU crisis response in the Neighbourhood on Libya and Ukraine, coordinated by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy. Objective of the research in Tunis: analysis of the perception among Libyan citizens and stakeholders as well as donors, partners, EU and US military and law enforcement personnel based in Tunis of the European Union's action in response to political destabilization in Libya after 2014, in particular in the humanitarian field and in security sector reform. Steps: Preparing and obtaining ethical clearance from authorities in: Tunisia (“Instance pour la Protection des Données Personnelles”) and France (Correspondant Informatique et Libertés (CIL) of CNRS; Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale INSERM) in order to conduct the research; Direction of field research in Tunisia on behalf of IRMC: Survey administration and processing, liaison with leading partners (international organizations, European and local NGOs; donors, European and national embassies based in Tunis, United Nations Development Program); budget management and liaison with the CNRS financial unit for direct and indirect cost management to hire research assistants, organize fieldwork and conferences (“café debats”) as requested by project’s deliverables; selection and coordination of two Tunisian research assistants hired by IRMC in 2017. Preparation of deliverables based on quantitative (SPSS) and qualitative analysis for IRMC, for comparison of research outcomes in conferences and scientific publications. Methodologies and theoretical frameworks: Mixed methods research: qualitative and quantitative research methods for comparison with other case studies; contribution to survey elaboration at the consortium level in Brussels; analysis on SPSS and elaboration of policy papers and journal articles; theoretical frameworks: conflict and security studies; migration and critical migration studies; border studies.


Fieldwork research, Tunisia. 2013 – 2016 (13 months) Main activities: analysis of Tunisian urban and decentralization/deconcentrating legal framework; investigation of national system of solid waste management from municipalities to waste disposal; interviews to Tunisian national authorities in solid waste management chain, private societies of waste management and disposal; international donors. Systematic study of the waste problem in Tunisia. Investigation of the regional and municipal territorial infrastructures to understand urban planning, management, and development. Analysis of network of physical, social, and administrative systems that shape the urban landscape to manage service provision, with reference to waste management. Participation to political rallies; civil society organizations’ conferences and public talks as expert on local development; youths’ mobilization on political, cultural and religious freedom of expression. Methodologies and theoretical frameworks: Fieldwork and participant observation; qualitative research methods. Focus on local and urban development, mobilization practices by civil society, citizens and experts’ networks. Role of domestic waste materials in local governance and civil society’s organizations mobilizations after 2011; analysis of governance of and by urban and waste infrastructures. Focus on digital activism in mobilizations on environment and waste management, youth and religious and non-religious activism.


Visiting fellow, Institut superieur des technologies de l’environnement de l’urbanisme et de batiment ISTEUB, Université de Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia. Supervisor: prof. Yassine Turki. Oct 2013-July 2014. Main activities: analysis of Tunisian urban and decentralization legal framework; investigation of national system of solid waste management from municipalities to waste disposal. Fieldwork and participant observation of ISTEUB’s conferences, lectures and cooperation of ISTEUB with World Bank’s Municipal development programs, and with CILG-VNG International (regional office for the Middle East and North Africa region of the International Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG International) in Tunisia, with a focus on response to floods, housing shortages and waste problems. Organization of a seminar for the Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain on preliminary findings of PhD research, discussant: prof. Hatem Kahloun, ISTEUB. Methodologies and theoretical frameworks: qualitative research methods; focus on scholarship on local development and decentralization promotion; studies on territorial management and governance, and infrastructures’ organization and upgrading to address floods, waste management crises, and housing shortages.


Visiting Fellow, Dublin City University DCU, Dublin, Ireland. School of Law and Government. Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Cavatorta. Mar – Jun 2013 Main activities: preparation of fieldwork research for PhD thesis. Methodologies and theoretical frameworks: analysis of democratization theories on north African and middle east countries; focus on local development and 2011 Arab uprisings; focus on digital activism and collective mobilization.

Coordinator of fieldwork mission to Louga, Senegal for CISV - Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontariato – Turin, Italy, 20-27 Sept 2010. Project: “Jeunes Reporters et Migrants”, financed by EU Youth in Action program (2007/2013). Action 3.2. Partners: Paralleli, Turin, Italy; FESFOP (Festival International De Folklore Et De Percussions De Louga) Louga, Ouahigouya local radio (Burkina Faso). Main activities: Application of techniques of participatory journalism and the use of multimedia 2.0 means of communication to explore migration issues in local territories and subsequently report to the participants from other countries. International cooperation on sustainable tourism in Louga. Innovative forms of communication and awareness-raising about the risks of irregular migration by engaging with local associations of women in textile production and young people. Methodologies: participatory and citizen journalism; digital activism; focus groups; theatrical happenings.


Fieldwork research, Tripoli, Leptis Magna, Libya. June 2010. Main activities: Fieldwork for MA thesis (Markaz al Jihad and correlated libraries, interviews, UNESCO event on decolonializing history). Methodologies: study of memory under sociological and anthropological perspectives; sociology of memory; “anthropology of whites” and colonial settlers during colonial occupation (civilians); spatial and temporal dimensions of memory; conflictual narratives of memory of colonial occupation.



Award winner, GIS Moyen-Orient et Mondes musulmans, CNRS France. Upon competition (selection committee) Subject: Best paper awarded with Arabic translation: article Loschi C., Pagano, C. “Regarder au-delà des élections: l’historicité complexe de la participation politique dans la Libye contemporaine”, Année du Maghreb. Translation by رئيس قسم الترجمة العلمية Institut français d’archéologie orientale, المعهد الفرنسي للآثار الشرقية, Cairo, Egypt.

Beneficiary, “ECPR GRANT” by European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). Upon selection. Subject: grant to attend the 9th ECPR General Conference at the University of Montréal, Canada, 26-29 August 2015. Paper presented: “Whose Governance Model? Exploring the Puzzling Outcomes of Urban Governance Projects in the EU Neighbourhood”. Duration and amount: about 1000€, August 2015.

Scholarship recipient, Yale University, Governance and Local Development Program, Dir. Prof. Ellen Lust. Upon competition Subject: Fieldwork in Tunisia (L’Ariana and Ettadhamun; Sousse), PhD research. Participation in the final conference of the program, Yale University, Service Provision in a Changing Arab World, New Haven CT, USA. 9-10 Apr 2015. Duration and amount: 2500$, March-Jul 2015

Scholarship recipient, project “Global horizons and discourses about Europe”, led by prof. U. Morelli, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin, Jean Monnet chair. Project funded by national funding scheme “ex 60%”. Subject: Contribution to research group led by prof. M. Ceretta, Dr. R. Raus sui "Discourses and counter-discourses about Europe". Mission to Tunisia, observation of online and offline communication strategies by Tunisian political parties during campaigns for the Tunisian presidential elections, Fall 2014. Duration and amount: 592,90€. Sept-Nov 2014.

Scholarship recipient, Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain (CNRS, France), Tunis. Upon competition Subject: Fieldwork for PhD Research in Tunisia (L’Ariana and Ettadhamun; Djerba) Duration and amount: 900 €, March- April 2014.


Articles on double/triple blind peer-reviewed journals


2023     Pelizza A., Loschi C., “Telling ‘more complex stories’ of European integration: How a sociotechnical perspective can help explain administrative continuity in the Common European Asylum System”, Journal of European Public Policy. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2197945. Open Access. Online ISSN: 1466-4429. Indexed in: Scopus; WoS.

2022     Loschi C., Slominski P. “Frontex’s Consultative Forum and fundamental rights protection: Enhancing accountability through dialogue?”, European Papers, 7:1, 195-214, Special Issue “The EU’s Shifting Borders Reconsidered: Externalisation, Constitutionalisation, and Administrative Integration”, DOI: 10.15166/2499-8249/554. Open Access. ISSN 2499-8249. Indexed in: Scopus.

2022     Loschi C., Slominski P. “The EU hotspot approach in Italy: Strengthening agency governance in the wake of the migration crisis?”, Journal of European Integration 44:6, 769-786. DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2022.2047186. Open Access. Online ISSN: 1477-2280. Indexed in: Scopus; WoS.

2022     Zardo F., Loschi C. “EU-Algeria (non)cooperation on migration: A tale of two fortresses”, Mediterranean Politics 27:2, 148-169 (online 2020). DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2020.1758453. Open Access. Online ISSN: 1743-9418. Indexed in: Scopus; WoS.

2021     Loschi C., Russo A. “Whose enemy at the gates? Border management in the context of EU crisis response in Libya and Ukraine”, Geopolitics 26:5, 1486-1509 (online 2020). DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2020.1716739. Open Access. Online ISSN: 1557-3028. Indexed in: Scopus; WoS.

2021     Loschi C. “Youth as agenda-setters between donors and beneficiaries. The limited role of Libyan youth after 2011”, Middle East Law & Governance 13:1, 49-71. DOI: 10.1163/18763375-13010003. Print ISSN: 1876‐3367. Indexed in: Scopus; WoS.

2019     Loschi C. “Local mobilisations and the formation of environmental networks in a democratizing Tunisia”, Social Movement Studies 18:1, 93-112. DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2018.1540974. Open Access. Print ISSN: 1474‐2837. Indexed in: Scopus; WoS.

2017     Turki Y., Loschi C. “Chantiers de reconstruction politique en comparaison: La ‘décentralisation’ en période post-révolutionnaire en Tunisie et Libye”, Année du Maghreb 16, 71-88. DOI: 10.4000/anneemaghreb.2965. Online ISSN: 2109‐9405. Indexed in: WoS.

2016     Volpi F., Merone F., and Loschi C. “Local (R)evolutions in Tunisia (2011-2014): Reconstructing authority in the municipalities”, Middle East Journal 70:3, 365-381. DOI: 10.3751/70.3.11. Print ISSN: 0026‐3141. Indexed in: Scopus; WoS.


Non-blind peer-reviewed articles

2022     Loschi C., Pagano, C. “Introduction du Dossier Spécial: Libye(s) en devenir. Déchiffrer le changement sociopolitique en diachronie et à plusieurs échelles”, Année du Maghreb 28(II), CNRS Editions. DOI: 10.4000/anneemaghreb.11137. Online ISSN: 2109‐9405. Indexed in: WoS.

2022     Loschi C., Pagano, C. “Regarder au-delà des élections: l’historicité complexe de la participation politique dans la Libye contemporaine”, Année du Maghreb 28(II), CNRS Editions. DOI: 10.4000/anneemaghreb.11297Online ISSN: 2109‐9405. Indexed in: WoS.

2021     Loschi C., Pagano C., “La Libye en 2020: entre guerre civile, crises humanitaires et tentatives de reconciliation”, Chronology of Libya, Année du Maghreb 26(II), CNRS Editions, 215-240. DOI: 10.4000/anneemaghreb.10367. Online ISSN: 2109‐9405. Indexed in: WoS.

2013     Loschi C. “Valenze simboliche della morte nella memoria coloniale. Il caso del cimitero degli italiani a Tripoli”, Studi Tanatologici/Thanatological Studies 6:6, 49-66 (in Italian). ISSN: 1971-5684.

2011      Loschi C. “Da una sponda all’altra del Mediterraneo: memorie di militanza comunista. Intervista a Giuseppe Prestipino.” Historia Magistra. Rivista di Storia Critica 6, 77-90. DOI: 10.3280/HM2011-006008. ISSN 2036-4040.

2011     Loschi C. “Fuori dal regime fascista: organizzazioni politiche degli italiani a Tripoli durante la fase postcoloniale (1948-1951).” Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea 5. ISSN: 2038‐0925




Policy papers and articles

2022     Loschi C., “Frontex’s evolution from the undisputable to the untenable EU border agency”, Security Praxis Blog, ISSN 2784-9686, 5 May, On line ISSN 2784-9686.

2021     Loschi C., “Bringing the Local Back In: Solid waste management in Tunisia”, Environmental Politics in the Middle East and North Africa, Arab Reform Initiative, Environmental Politics Series, 15-16.

2018     Loschi C., Raineri L., Strazzari F. “The implementation of EU crisis response in Libya. Bridging Theory and Practice” Working Paper 6.2, H2020 EUNPACK.

2017     Loschi C., Raineri L. “Policy brief: Perceptions about the EU’s crisis response in Libya”. Working Paper 6.9, H2020 EUNPACK.


Book chapters & bibliographies

2024     [forthcoming] Pelizza, A. Loschi, C. “Produrre l’alterità, Fare l’Europa. Processing Citizenship e le dinamiche sociotecniche di gestione delle popolazioni ai confini europei”, in: Biondi, F., Forti, M. and Raineri, L., Governance digitale e migrazioni: persone e dati alle frontiere dell’Europa, Rome, Carrocci.

2023     Loschi C. “From ballots to bullets: Libyan 2012 elections as the origin of the unachieved transition”, in F. Cavatorta, V. Resta, Routledge handbook on elections in the Middle East and North Africa, Routledge, 342-352. DOI: 10.4324/9781003185628-30. ISBN: 9781003185628.

2023     Loschi C. “Sea borders between domestic and international definition of spaces: Italian-Libyan cooperation on border management”, In Mediterranean in dis/order. Space, Power and Identity, di Peri R., Meier D. (eds), Michigan University Press, 163-185. Open access. ISBN: 978-0-472-90316-0 (open access).

2021     Loschi C. “The Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 on the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX): preliminary insights on inter-agency cooperation and implications for fundamental rights”, Annuario ADIM 2020. Raccolta di scritti di diritto dell’immigrazione, Bufalini A., Del Turco G., Gatta F. L., Savino M., Virzì, F. V., Vitiello D. (eds), Editoriale Scientifica srl, Napoli, 513-520. ISBN: 979-12-5976-074-6

2020     Loschi C., Slominski P. “Interagency relations and the EU migration crisis: Strengthening of law enforcement through agencification?” In EU Agencification in Times of Crises - Impact and Future Challenges, Pollak J., Slominski P. (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, 205-227. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51383-2-10. Open access. Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-51382-5.

2017     Loschi C. “La comunità di Italiani nella Libia indipendente” In Rovesci della fortuna. La minoranza italiana in Libia dalla Seconda Guerra Mondiale all’espulsione, Cresti F., Di Giulio F. (eds), Aracne, Roma, 101-117. ISBN: 8854896659

2013     Loschi C. “Orientalismo digitale. Internet e le memorie coloniali degli Italiani tra Italia e Libia.” In Orientalismi Italiani vol. 3, Proglio G. (ed), Antares Edizioni, Alba (CN), 94-109. ISBN: 9788896478417.

2011     Loschi C. “Bibliography” for Sociologia dei Lifestyles, Berzano L., Genova G. (eds), Carocci, Roma. ISBN:  9788843060306.



2013     Berzano L., Loschi C. Liberami dal Male. Una famiglia di guaritori nelle campagne astigiane, SEI, Torino. ISBN: 9788805074396.

2010     Loschi C. (editor). Le città (in)visibili. Nuove mete e percorsi, Antares Edizioni, Alba (CN). ISBN: 889647809X.


Book reviews

2021     Domenico Infantolino, Patria di parole. Autobiografia degli italiani di Libia, Padova, Cleup, 2020, in AltreItalie. Rivista internazionale di studi sulle migrazioni italiane nel mondo, 62, 129-131.

2011      Alessandro Gusman (ed), Gli altri ad-dii. Morte e ritualità funebri nelle comunità immigrate del Piemonte, Torino, Fondazione Ariodante Fabretti, 2010, in Religioni e società, 71, 137-137.

2011     Abdullah Ahmed An-Na‘im, Riforma Islamica. Diritti umani e libertà nell’Islam contemporaneo, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2011, in Religioni e società, 70, 105-106.

2011     Antonio Morone, L’ultima colonia. Come l’Italia è tornata in Africa 1950-1960, Laterza, Roma, in Historia Magistra. Rivista di storia critica, 2, 149.



Conference proceedings

2015     Loschi C. “Organizzazioni politiche italiane nella Libia post-bellica”, in La Libia nella Storia d’Italia, Trinchese S. (ed), Mesogea, Messina, 193-208 (Proceedings: La Libia nella storia d’Italia, Chieti, 12-13/06/2013). Isbn: 9788846921420.

2014     Loschi C., “Guaritori settimini nell’astigiano: persistenze, modellamenti sincretici, risoluzione di rischi esistenziali tra pratica taumaturgica e credenza devozionale”, in Religiosità popolare nella società post-secolare Nuovi approcci teorici e nuovi campi di ricerca, Berzano L., Castegnaro A. (eds), Edizioni Messaggero, Padova, 403-415 (Proceedings: Religiosità popolare nella società post-secolare Nuovi approcci teorici e nuovi campi di ricerca, Padova, 8-20/10/2012). ISBN: 9788825037999.

2012     Loschi C. “Memorie dalla Libia coloniale tra rivendicazioni identitarie e attivismo politico”, in Memorie con-divise. Popoli, Stati e Nazioni nel Mediterraneo e nel Medio-Oriente, Branca P. and Demichelis M. (eds), University of Milan-Bicocca, 208-231, (Proceedings: X Convegno SESAMO. Memorie con-divise. Popoli, stati e nazioni nel Mediterraneo e in Medio Oriente, University Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy. 9-11/06/2011). Print ISBN: 978-88-6855-683-9

2011     Loschi C. “Le scuole cattoliche di San Giovanni Battista La Salle nella Tripoli coloniale”, in Libera Chiesa in Libero Stato, Olavarria M. V. and Roldan V. (eds), Mauro Pagliai, Firenze, 271-278. ISBN: 978-88-564-0232-2.




2019 – 2020     Lecturer, University of Vienna. Bachelor Seminar “BAK11 Europäische Union und Europäisierung”, Summer semester. Title: The European Union’s foreign policy (in English)

2018 – 2019     Lecturer, University of Vienna. Bachelor Seminar “BAK11 Europäische Union und Europäisierung”, Winter semester. Title: The European Union and the Mediterranean Area (In English)

2011 – 2012     Teaching assistant to Prof. Luigi Berzano (Univ of Turin). IUSTO - Salesian Pontifical University, Istituto Rebaudengo Turin, Italy, aggregated to the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Salesian Pontifical University of Rome, Degree Course in Psychology of Communication. Course topic: Sociology of Culture and sociology of lifestyles. Sps/08



Panels and conferences organized (total: 7)



  1. Panelist for International conference by Italian STS society, panel “Situating long-term implications of registering and identifying practices”, with A. Pelizza, P. Trauttmansdorff. Department of philosophy and communication, University of Bologna. 28-30 Jun.
  2. Panelist and organizing staff for ERC Processing Citizenship final conference, PI prof. A. Pelizza. Panelist for panel 3, “Data circulations: Rethinking Sovereignty, Territory, and Citizenship”, with Paul Trauttmansdorff. Department of philosophy and communication, Department of political and social sciences, University of Bologna. 26-27 Jun.
  3. Panelist and organizing staff for joint workshop ERC Processing Citizenship-STS Migtec network, panel “Situating long-term implications of registering and identifying practices” with A. Pelizza, P. Trauttmansdorff. Organization and coordinating committee. Department of philosophy and communication, University of Bologna. 21-22 Mar.


  1. Scientific committee, organizer and paper presenter for joint workshop “Interoperability in the JHA area”, ERC Processing Citizenship-EUI équipe led by prof. Deirdre Curtin. Department of philosophy and communication, University of Bologna. 10 Mar.


  1. Discussant, scientific and organizing committee for international conference “Digitizing peoples in uncertain times: Interface methods for interventions on populations”. Discussant for keynote Dr. Teun Zuiderent-Jerak (Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam) “STS Making & Doing: Situated Intervention as Knowledge Production, Expression and Travel”, and chair roundtable T. Zuiderent-Jerak (Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam), A. Pollini (Lecturer in Advanced Design, University of Bologna), I. Quaranta (Anthropology of Care, University of Bologna). Department of philosophy and communication, University of Bologna. 13-14 May.


  1. Conference co-chair and paper presenter for international conference “Libya Today: Society, Politics and Space”, Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain/French Embassy to Libya, National Library of Tunisia (sponsored also by EEAS Libya; UN Development Program; ACTED) Tunis. 12-13 Jul.


  1. Scientific committee, organizer and paper presenter for workshop “Café débat The EU responding to the Libyan crisis. Local perceptions and points of view” Tunis, Tunisia. Chatham House rules. Deliverable Horizon2020 EUNPACK Good intentions, mixed results. IRMC-Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa, Tunis. 29 Nov.


Teaching talks and public lectures about research (total: 7)


  1. “Governance of migration: security concerns, technology, and multi-actor systems”, Master course International Security Studies, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and University of Trento. Prof. D. Natali. 19th Mar


  1. Presentation of the special issue “Libye(s) en devenir. Déchiffrer le changement sociopolitique en diachronie et à plusieurs échelles”, with C. Pagano, Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain, Tunis, Tunisia, 25 May.


  1. “Lezione 3: lo sguardo degli altri. L’immagine dell’UE nel Maghreb”, Formez Europe Direct Roma Innovazione, Lezioni d’Europa, University of Siena. 24 Mar.


  1. “Quand la frontière entre histoire coloniale et mémoire individuelle s’affaibli: la mémoire collective comme dispositif identitaire et narration mytho-historique”, IRMC-French Embassy to Libya Conference, Tunis. 12 Jul.


  1. “Declining Political and Social Equity in Authoritarian Tunisia: A Study on Waste Management”, Master course “Politics, institutions and cultures of the Middle East”, Dr. Rosita di Peri, University of Turin, 5 Apr.


  1. “La Collecte des Ordures en Tunisie”, panel : Déchets en Méditerranée : Le Cas De Marseille, Naples Et Tunis MuCEM workshop “L’Économie des Déchets et du Récyclage en Méditerranée”, Marseille, France. 30 Jan.


  1. “La Collecte des Ordures en Tunisie. Enjeux des Privatisations des Services Municipaux”, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, SOS BIAA conference “Enjeux Environnementaux en Tunisie: La Gestion des Déchets et les Eaux Usées”, Tunis, Tunisia. 04 Jun.


Academic conference papers presented (total: 46)


  1. “Fixing the borders of identity: infrastructures of e-governance in Libya’s state-building”, for panel “Technologies of the other: digital, critical, political”, by C. Aradau, A. Pelizza, T. Blanke, D. Luitse, EASST 2024 Conference. Amsterdam, with L. Raineri 16-19 July


  1. “Empowering Voices. Digital technologies and counternarratives on crises in north Africa. Focus on Tunisia”. ECPR Research Network Mediterranean Politics and Society, chair I. Weipert-Fennert. 2 Nov.
  2. “Non-state actors in EU borders, migration and asylum management: an infrastructural approach”, XXXVI SISP Conference, Panel 11.4 “To protect or not to protect? When the EU’s dilemmas put international protection at risk”, by S. Panebianco, F. Longo. University of Genova, Italy. 14-16 Sept.
  3.  “Quelle « société civile » en Libye? Contradictions entre l’imaginaire politique de la jeunesse libyenne et les politiques de stabilisation des acteurs internationaux”, Panel “La construction des sociétés civiles au Maghreb, entre dépendances et émancipation”, by E. Sigillò, D. De Facci. GIS MOMM (Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique « Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans »), V Congrès des études sur le Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans, Université de Lyon, 10-14 July
  4. “Ambiguation” between data regulation and data practices:  an analytical concept to study EU organizational dynamics”. ERC Processing Citizenship final conference, STS Italia Conference, panel “Situating long-term implications of registering and identifying practices”, with A. Pelizza. Department of philosophy and communication, University of Bologna. 28-30 June.
  5. “Ambiguation” between data regulation and data practices:  an analytical concept to study EU organizational dynamics”, with A. Pelizza. ERC Processing Citizenship final conference, Department of philosophy and communication, University of Bologna. 26-27 June.
  6. “Non-state actors in EU borders, migration and asylum management: an infrastructural approach”. SG International Relations, Italian Society of Political Science SISP, Panel 1 by S. Panebianco, F. Longo, “To protect or not to protect? When the EU’s dilemmas put international protection at risk”, University of Catania, 15-16 June.
  7. Presentation of ERC Processing Citizenship at the conference “Confinamento e diritti ai margini dell’Europa. Presente e futuro dell’approccio hotspot”, Jean Monnet Module Migration, Borders and Human Rights. The Challenges of Human Rights Protection in Border Areas, led by prof. G. Campesi, Università di Bari, Bari, Italy. 16 May.
  8. ““Ambiguation” between data regulation and data practices: The contingent administrative reorganisation of task allocation between and within member states”, with A. Pelizza, ERC processing Citizenship. STS-Migtec workshop, University of Bologna. 21-22 March.


  1. “Libya(s) in the making: developing a special issue to understand post-2011 political change diachronically and at multiple scales”, with C. Pagano. IRMC Workshop “State of research on Libya”, Tunis, Tunisia. By zoom. 1 Dec.
  2. Presentation of ERC Processing Citizenship, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies workshop “Migration Data Governance”, Pisa, Italy. 20-21 Oct.
  3. “The Technopolitics of Expertise: shaping an interoperable border regime”, with P. Trauttmansdorff. Conference by Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration “Digitized migrants”, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey. 15-16 Sept.
  4. “The Technopolitics of Expertise; shaping an interoperable border regime”, with P. Trauttmansdorff, EASST 2022 International Conference “Politics of Technoscientific Futures”, Madrid, Spain. 6-9 Jul.
  5. “The positioning of IOM as an intermediary in health data circulation in relocation programs between Member States”, with A. Pelizza. Department of philosophy and communication, University of Bologna. 10 Mar.


  1. “Frontex: fieldwork on agency and fundamental rights”, workshop “Frontex and externalisation of EU border control”, by M. Gkliati, Faculty of Law, Leiden University. 6 Jul.
  2. “Solid waste management in Tunisia”, Arab Reform Initiative 2021, “Inaugural Conference on Environmental Politics in MENA”. 15-16 Jun.


  1. “Frontex’s Consultative Forum and fundamental rights protection ten years after: Much ado about nothing?”, with P. Slominski, Jean Monnet NOVA workshop “Migration and EU borders” Maastricht University, Faculty of Law. 3-4 Dec.
  2. “Experimental Border Management in the EU Crisis Response in Libya and Ukraine”, H2020 Project EU3D Workshop “The EU as a segmented political order and the new organizational forms in EU governance”. 8 Dec.


  1. “Balancing EU and national interests: The role of EU Agencies in implementing the EU’s hotspot approach in Italy during the ‘migration crisis’”, with P. Slominski, TARN academic network conference “EU Agencies as 'Inbetweeners'? The Relationship between EU Agencies and Member States”, Maastricht University. 4-5 Dec. Paper Accepted. Authors declined due to publication commitments with FWF Funding scheme.
  2. “Frontex and dynamics of accountability”, with P. Slominski; Workshop “The EU’s borders beyond Europe: The consequences of extending the EU’s bordering practices to its neighboring regions”, organized by S. Stachowitsch, Austrian Institute for International Relations – OIIP, Vienna. 13 Dec.
  3. “EU-Algeria relations: a tale of two fortresses”, with F. Zardo. Workshop “The EU’s borders beyond Europe: The consequences of extending the EU’s bordering practices to its neighboring regions”, organized by Saskia Stachowitsch, Austrian Institute for International Relations – OIIP, Vienna. 13 Dec.
  4. “The EU Hotspot Approach in Italy: A Case of Cultivated Spillover through Interagency Relations?, with P. Slominski. ECPR 2019 General Conference, University of Wrocław, Poland. 4-7 Sept.
  5. “The EU Hotspot Approach in Italy: A Case of Cultivated Spillover through Interagency Relations?”, with P. Slominski, UACES 2019 49th Annual Conference, University of Lisbon, Portugal. 1-4 Sept.
  6. “Italy and Libya in bordering practices: Flexing values to politicized spaces”, GIS Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans 3th Annual Conference, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France. 3-5 Jul.
  7. Meeting of international workshop network Colonialidad, reclusión y orden. Formas coloniales y postcoloniales de internamiento en el Mediterráneo y aledaños, organizzato da Francesco Correale, Alberto López Bargados. MSH Val de Loire – University of Tours, France; Department of Social Anthropology, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain. 01 Jul.
  8. ““Non nel mio cortile”. Discussione e gestione delle frontiere europee esterne e flussi migratori tra UE e nord Africa”. Conference “Mobilità e contenimento dei migranti tra Africa e Mediterraneo: le politiche europee e le risposte africane”, University of Pavia, Italy. By invitation. 3-4 Jun.
  9. The EU at the borders: Crisis Response and Borders Management in Libya and Ukraine” with A. Russo, “Walls and wars. Identifying and questioning the military in contemporary border security policies”, Université Saint Louis Bruxelles, Belgium. 26 Apr.


  1. The EU at the borders: Crisis Response and Borders Management in Libya and Ukraine”, Belgrade Security Forum 2018, Belgrade, Serbia. Oct 2018.
  2. “Re-forming and de-forming state templates at EU borders: Insights from EU crisis management in Libya and Ukraine”, with A. Russo, SISP Annual Convention, University of Turin, Italy. 6-8 Sep.
  3. “Structuring and re-structuring the space of borders between Italy and Libya: A historical assessment”. Panel “Space in politics/the politics of the space in the Middle East (II)" by D. Meier and R. Di Peri. SISP Annual Convention, University of Turin, Italy. 6-8 Sep.
  4. “EU Crisis Management at Work: Libyan Expectations and Perceptions of EU Response to Conflict”, with J. Heurtaux. ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco CA, USA. 4-11 Apr.
  5. “Whose al Lamarkaziyah in Tunisia? The Construction of Local and Urban Space from Bourguiba to Ben Ali”, AIMS Annual Conference Making Space in the Maghrib, Djerba, Tunisia, 15 Jul.


  1. Paper presenter with L. Raineri for the “Café débat The EU responding to the Libyan crisis. Local perceptions and points of view” Tunis, Tunisia. Chatham House rules. Deliverable Horizon2020 EUNPACK Good intentions, mixed results. IRMC-Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa, Tunis. 29 Nov.
  2. “Do Decentralization Reforms Work against Democratization in the Arab World? The Impacts of Rubbish Collection Upgrading in Tunisia Before 2011”, POMEPS 8th Annual Conference, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA. 18-19 May.
  3. “EU crisis response in Libya, preliminary insights from Horizon2020 EUNPACK Project”, CEPS Event “Conflict-sensitive approaches to the crises in Kosovo/Serbia and Libya”, Brussels, Belgium. 29 May.


  1. “Economic Actors in Post-Revolutionary Tunisia. Waste Collection Companies and new Strategies between Local and National Political Arena”, WAFAW International Workshop How Economics Matter? Year 5 of the Revolutions, a Social and Economic Lens. IFPO Beirut, Lebanon. 12-14 Oct 2016.
  2. “New Debates in the Digital Sphere: Youth Perspectives on Religious and Non-Religious Life in Tunisia, Egypt, and Morocco”, with I. Tarfa, OIB International Workshop Rethinking Social Movements in the Digital Age: Activism, Dissent and Rebellion in the Post-Arab Spring, Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB), Beirut, Lebanon, 29 Jul.
  3. “Trashing the Dictator. Local Garbage Crisis and Environmental Protests during Political Transition in Tunisia”, ECPR Joint Sessions 2016, University of Pisa/Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy. Coordinator: prof. F. Volpi, prof. J. Clark. 24-28 Apr.


  1. “Whose Governance Model? Exploring the Puzzling Outcomes of Urban Governance Projects in the EU Neighbourhood”, with F. Zardo, ECPR General Conference 2015, University of Montréal, Canada. 26-29 Aug.
  2. “Analysis of Municipal Waste Management in Tunisia: Unintended Consequences of Local Government Reforms.” Chair: Jonathan Wyrtzen; Discussant: Ana de la O., Yale Governance and Local Development Conference Service Provision in a Changing Arab World, New Haven CT, USA. 9-10 Apr.


  1. “Privatization of Rubbish Collection in Tunisia: Authoritarian Upgrading or Diffusion of Dissent?” ASAI Biannual Conference Africa on the Move, University of Macerata, Italy. 17-20 Sept.
  2. “Secondo dopoguerra in Libia: la comunità di italiani tra de-storicizzazione dell’altro e lotte politiche”, ASAI Biannual Conference Africa on the Move, University of Macerata, Italy. 17-20 Sept.


  1. “Guaritori settimini. Persistenze, modellamenti sincretici, risoluzione di rischi esistenziali tra pratica taumaturgica e credenza devozionale”, Conference “Popular religion in post-secular society. New theoretical approaches and domains of research”, Dept Philosophy, Sociology, Applied Psicology, University of Padova/AIS, Studio Teologico Basilica del Santo, Padova. 18/20 Oct.
  2. “Le organizzazioni politiche italiane nella Libia postbellica”, Italian-Libyan Academic Conference “La Libia nella storia d’Italia”, University G. d’Annunzio” Chieti- Pescara, chair S. Trinchese. 28-29 Mar.


  1. “Narrare diversi Passati. Memorie coloniali degli italiani vissuti in Libia”, Sesamo X International Conference “Memorie con-divise. Popoli, Stati, Nazioni nel Mediterraneo e nel Medio Oriente”, University Milan Bicocca, Milan, Italy. 9- 11 Jun.


  1. “Storie familiari di maledizioni e magia: esistenze in crisi e processi di incorporazione”, CESNUR 2010 International Conference, Changing Gods. Between Religion and Everyday Life, University of Turin, Italy, 9-11 Sept.