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  • Workshop

Lightwave propagation in optical fibers and waveguides

Data 12.07.2021 orario


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Seminar series offered within the Erasmus Mundus PIXNET Masters, a EU-funded programme, coordinated by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna along with Aston University, Eindhoven University of Technology and Osaka University.
Prof. Ken Mishina, Associate Professor in the Department of Information and Communication Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, will deliver this series of seminars on how photonic networks are constructed by optical fibers and optical devices. The course aims to provide fundamental knowledge on lightwave propagation in optical fibers and optical waveguides. The course includes comprehensive training using MATLAB.

Within the EMJMD Master's PIXNET, visiting scholars are recruited on the basis of an outstanding academic and/or professional profile and their involvement brings added value to participants in terms of student-centered teaching/lecturing, research activities and academic/professional networking.
In addition to PIXNET students, researchers, professors and those interested in participating, can contact the PIXNET Secretariat at: 

Event details are available in the brochure attached.