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  • Istituto di BioRobotica
  • Seminario

Use of the Robotics in the Rehabilitation of the upper limb in Stroke patients

Data 17.11.2020 orario

Viale Rinaldo Piaggio 34 , 56025 PI Italia

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On Tuesday 17, November, at 4.30 pm, dr. Irene Giovanna Aprile (Don Gnocchi Foundation) will hold the seminar entitled "Use of the Robotics in the Rehabilitation of the upper limb in Stroke patients. Scientific evidence, opportunities, and barriers for clinical practice implementation. The experience of the Fondazione Don Gnocchi". The seminar is part of Phd in Biorobotics (Seminar Cycle on Wearable and Collaborative Robotics).
Join the Seminar (Microsoft Teams Platform) at the following link:


Robot-mediated therapy is a promising approach for the upper limb rehabilitation in patients after Stroke. The talk will be focused on: a) the scientific evidence, b) the opportunities and the barriers of the implementation in the clinical practice and, c) the experience of the Robotic Rehabilitation Group of The Fondazione Don Gnocchi. With respect to this last topic will be showed i) the multidisciplinary approach used to select devices for a global upper limb treatment; ii) the results of a new organizational model to improve the efficiency of the upper limb robotic rehabilitation and finally iii) the results of the multicenter study on the efficacy of the upper limb robotic rehabilitation compared to conventional treatment in patients with subacute Stroke.



Irene Giovanna Aprile graduated in Medicine and Surgery (1996) and specialized in Neurology (2001) cum laude at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome; she obtained PhD in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2005) at the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome. Since 2001 she has been working at the Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation in Rome, where since 2015 she has held the position of head of the rehabilitation department. She is coordinator of a research group that deals with issues related to rehabilitation, mainly in the Stroke, to the analysis of movement, to the robotics according of the rehabilomics framework (integration of genetics /epigenetics and clinical biochemistry with rehabilitation and recovery).