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Data pubblicazione: 03.08.2018
opportunità lavoro
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As part of the recuitment associated with EMbeDS, the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies has opened calls for the recruitment of two non-tenure track assistant professors with full time, 3-year contracts ("Ricercatori a tempo determinato") under Italian Law no. 240/2010, art. 24 paragraph 3 letter A.

For the first position, the Academic Recruitment field is "Economic Policy", SC 13/A2, and the Academic Discipline "Economic Policy", SSD SECS-P/02. This position will be based in Institute of Economics of the School. Consistent with EMbeDS foci on economies as evolving complex systems, and industrial dynamics, competitiveness and financial markets, the successful candidate will conduct research in the field of theoretical microeconomics – in particular, on financial market models with interacting agents, the analysis of the efficiency of markets with imperfect information, and the emerging properties of financial markets in the presence of heuristic behaviors. He/she will participate in team work on broad research projects, involving the combined use of numerical, mathematical and statistical tools for the analysis of dynamical systems and stochastic processes applied to Economics.

For the second position, the Academic Recruitment Field is "Management", SC 13/B2, and the Academic Discipline "Management", SSD SECS-P/08. This position will be based in the Institute of Management of the School. Consistent with EMbeDS focus on social and environmental sustainability, the successful candidate will conduct research on Big Data-enabled decisions in healthcare assistance pathways, using both administrative data and surveys derived from users’ experience and outcome. He/she will participate in team work on broad research projects, involving the combined use of numerical, mathematical and statistical tools for the analysis of the complex healthcare system, leveraging the availability of Big Data of different nature and from different sources.

Research by the successful candidates is expected to be high profile and meet international standards. Teaching at the Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral levels at the School and its federated institutions (IUSS in Pavia, SNS in Pisa) is also expected.

The deadline for applications is September 21, 2018. More information can be found here.


Foto di Scott Graham su Unsplash