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The Institute of Economics and EMbeDS seek expressions of interest for one full-time tenure track 3-year Assistant Professor position (RTD-B).

Data pubblicazione: 26.07.2021
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Call for expressions of interests: one tenure-track Assistant Professor Position in Economics (economics, finance, information theory, behavioral and microeconomic models of learning and market selection).

The Institute of Economics and EMbeDS seek expressions of interest to identify potential candidates for one full-time tenure track 3-year Assistant Professor position (RTD-B).

Successful candidates will have a PhD in Economics or related areas, a strong record of research and teaching, and an ability to operate in teams and across traditional disciplinary boundaries. They will work in theoretical economics and finance, have past experience on behavioural and micro-economic learning models, and be ready to explore the interface between economic modeling and information theory. They are expected to contribute to several of the research areas targeted by EMbeDS, including ‘Economies as Evolving Complex Systems’ and ‘Industrial dynamics, competitiveness and financial markets’.

Interested individuals should send inquiries to, including a cover letter motivating their interest, a CV, a description of current research (3-page maximum) and one of teaching activities (1-page maximum). All correspondence and expressions of interest will be kept strictly confidential, and inquiries received before 20 September, 2021 will be given highest priority. Knowledge of the Italian language is not required, but the ability to teach in English is mandatory. The School guarantees equal gender opportunities in recruitment and career, and welcomes applications from women.

Disclaimer: this is not yet a job vacancy advertisement. Based on the expressions of interest for the interdisciplinary cluster hire, the Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies will determine whether or not to offer positions, their number and the type of selection procedure (i.e. a public competition, pursuant art. 18 of the Italian Law 240/2010, or a direct call, pursuant Italian Law 230/2005).