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Data pubblicazione: 19.01.2021
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Sabina De Rosis has joined the Institute of Management of Sant’Anna School and EMbeDS as an Assistant Professor (RDT-A) working in the Management and Healthcare Laboratory (MeS). 

Sabina has always been interested in investigating processes of stakeholder participation to decisions and evaluations, as mechanisms of value co-creation and public service co-production.  

She holds a Ph.D. in Management from the Sant’Anna School.  In her Ph.D. thesis, Sabina combined the Service-Dominant Logic perspective with theoretical frameworks on the co-production of public services to empirically analyse how the contribution of users and providers of healthcare services contribute to innovation based on e-Health and m-Health interventions. 

Recently, focusing in the healthcare sector, Sabina has studied user evaluations of outcome and experience with public services. Her research is aimed at investigating both value co-creation processes, and strategies to enhance personal and social value measurement, assessment and integration into the definition, provision and evaluation of services. 

Sabina coordinates research projects on Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) and co-production. She serves as Academic Editor for PLoS One, and has been a peer reviewer for journals such as Health Policy, BMC Health Services Research journal, Health Services Management Review, the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health and the International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 

What are Sabina’s plans for this new chapter of her academic career, in connection with the objectives of EMbeDS? “My research will investigate use antecedents and impact of service user-generated indicators from surveys producing big data, in particular in the healthcare industry. The findings will support practitioners in understanding the key factors of success in developing used-driven quality improvement actions, with a particular focus on operations management. The research will contribute to the literature on value co-creation and co-production by testing assumptions on the role of the context and the assets (i.e. technologies providing real-time updated big data), together with both service users and providers, as enablers of value co-creation and innovation diffusion in the public sector.”