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Jean Monnet Module - European Public Law-ius (Eur.Publ.ius)

  • Categoria di progetto Altri programmi Europei (Jean Monnet)
  • Durata dal 01.09.2016 al 31.08.2019
  • Laboratorio/Centro di ricerca Istituto DIRPOLIS
  • Finanziamento atteso €20 916
  • Costo complessivo €27 888
  • Responsabili scientifici Giuseppe Martinico
  • Sponsor Commissione Europea
European Commission
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Coordinator: Giuseppe Martinico

While the Union is still facing the political consequences of the financial crisis, there are other important challenges for the European integration that have attracted the attention of some commentators over the last months. Circumstances like the so called Brexit, the problematic accession of the EU to the ECHR (after Opinion 2/13 of the Court of Justice of the EU), the difficulties connected to Art. 7 TEU and the debate about the possibility to set up a sort of Copenhagen Commission require a thoughtful reflection.   This module will deal with these issues, trying to provide a critical and updated view on the most recent developments in the field of European Public Law. 



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