Inizio contenuto principale del sito

NQSTI - Scienze e tecnologie quantistiche

  • Categoria di progetto Altri progetti di ricerca nazionale
  • Durata dal 01.12.2022 al 31.10.2025
  • Laboratorio/Centro di ricerca Istituto TeCIP Communication InReTe Laboratory
  • Finanziamento atteso €955 251
  • Responsabili scientifici Giampiero Contestabile
  • Sito web

NQSTI logo


With this project called "National Quantum Science and Technology Institute - NQSTI", the School participates as a founding entity of the Hub and as an entity affiliated with the Spokes of interest, in the "NQSTI" extended partnership project proposal, topic no. 4 “Quantum sciences and technologies” financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU, through a public notice as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Mission 4 “Education and research” – Component 2 “From research to business” – Investment 1.3, referred to in Ministerial Decree no. 341 of 15 March 2022, which aims to strengthen research supply chains at national level and promote their participation in European and global strategic value chains.

Partnerships are programs characterized by an interdisciplinary, holistic and problem solving approach, created by widespread networks of universities, EPRs, and other public and private entities, engaged in research activities, highly qualified and internationally recognised.

NQSTI is a consortium that brings together 20 Italian institutions carrying out competitive and innovative research in the field of Quantum Science and Technology (QST). NQSTI addresses the entire innovation chain, from the strengthening and coordination of low-TRL research, to its translation into prototypes, favoring the interface with industrial needs thanks to strong awareness-raising and continuous training programs. The Consortium supports the creation and incubation of spin-offs and start-ups that can raise research results in the TRL ranking, with particular attention to Southern Italy.

To find out more, visit the Project website: