DATA Friday 14.06.2024 ORE 11:00 Sinergies: costruire la cybersecurity tra imprese, istituzioni e ricerca
DATA Wednesday 30.10.2024 ORE 13:00 Reconstructing Indo-European Prehistory: Lessons from Linguistics, Archaeology, and Genetics
DATA Wednesday 17.04.2024 ORE 09:00 eCHOing methodology on project implementation for the Cultural Sector
DATA Thursday 21.03.2024 ORE 09:00 Bridging the gap between neurorights and cyberights: introducing new ethical and legal safeguards for protecting humans in the digital era
DATA Monday 12.06.2023 ORE 12:00 Le vie dell'acqua - Prospettive etiche, socio-economiche, ambientali e ingegneristiche sui comuni fluviali e oceanici
DATA Thursday 16.06.2022 ORE 14:30 How to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth: results from the GROWINPRO project
DATA Friday 21.01.2022 ORE 11:00 Dalle Case della Salute alle Case della Comunità, la prospettiva del management