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Laboratory of Applied Materials for Printed and Soft electronics

Ci occupiamo di studiare materiali conduttivi soffici e deformabili per la loro applicazione come sensori/attuatori in biomedicina e robotica. Il nostro obiettivo è di sviluppare materiali e processi sostenibili per i dispositivi di domani
Lab Francesco Greco

We investigate soft, stretchable, conformable and conductive materials with primary applications as sensors/actuators in biomedicine and robotics. Our goal is to develop sustainable materials and processes for next-generation devices. 
We focus on two main research areas: 

  1. Laser-induced graphene 
  2. Tattoo electronics

The investigated materials include conducting polymers, organic semiconductors, laser-induced carbon, nanocomposite functional materials, stimuli-responsive polymers and interfaces, bioderived and biocompatible polymers.
We process these materials and fabricate devices using several techniques, like ink-jet printing, screen printing, spin coating, and laser-induced pyrolysis.
We are interested in both the structural and functional properties of these materials, and especially in their behaviour as electrical conductors, enabling their use in transferrable/wearable sensors, soft actuators, and smart surfaces. 
The activities of the group LAMPSe@SSSA, born in December 2021, are running in parallel and in close collaboration with those of LAMPSe@TUGraz.

Our core values are:

  • Multidisciplinarity: we strongly believe that a research group should be made of people with different academic backgrounds, enthusiastic to work together to reach a common goal.
  • Multiculturality: our research group is international and the working language is English.

If you want to know more about us:

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